

Beets Music Tagger


# dnf install beets beets-plugins
pip install beets


# Import a whole folder
beet import ~/Music

# Import a single file, moving it to its new location
beet import -m Charly_Garcia-Los_Dinosaurios.opus


Config file must have .yaml extension, yml extension won’t be recognized

cat > ~/.config/beets/config.yaml << 'EOF'
    #move: yes # Move files instead of copying them (overwrites copy option)
    copy: no   # Do not copy files to de Music directory
    write: no  # Do not write tags when adding to the database
    incremental: yes # Skip importing directories already added
    log: beets.log

    # Filename format
    default: $albumartist/$album/$track-$title
    singleton: Singles/$artist-$title
    comp: $genre/$album/$track-$title # Compilations
    albumtype:soundtrack: Soundtracks/$album/$track-$title

asciify_paths: yes


Other options:

  • replace: RegEx/Replacement pairs to be applied to all filenames
  • set_fields: Default field values for new music, as a dictionary


# Install
pip install beets[fetchart,lyrics,lastgenre]
cat >> ~/.config/beets/config.yaml << 'EOF'
plugins: fetchart lyrics lastgenre
    - /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/beetsplug

Some useful plugins. Those marked with X are external, the others native Those marked with D are deprecated, inactive projects


  • chroma: Use Acoustid fingerprinting to identify audio files
  • fromfilename: Guess metadata for untagged tracks from their filenames


  • parentwork: Fetch work titles and works they are part of
  • fetchart: Fetch album cover art from various sources
  • embedart: Embed album art images into files’ metadata
  • ftintitle: Add “featured” artists to the title field
  • beets-yearfixer: Attempts to fix missing original_year or year(X)
  • beets-importreplace: Perform regex replacements on incoming metadata (X)
  • beets-xtractor: Fetch attributes like is_instrumental or mood_happy (X)


  • beets-check: Automatically checksums your files (X)
  • beets-alternatives: Different versions of your songs for each device (X)
  • drop2beets: Import singles as soon as they are dropped in a folder (X)
  • duplicates: List duplicate tracks or albums
  • beets-noimport: Add directories to the incremental import skip list (X)


  • beets-ydl: downloads audio from youtube-dl (X,D)
  • beets-autofix: Automates repetitive tasks (X)


  • random: Randomly choose albums and tracks from your library
  • cmus: Integrates with cmus music player(X)
  • play: sends the results of a music query to your music player (X,D)

Shell Completion

You can get completion script by running beet completion. From there you have two options available.

  1. Loading the script dinamically. This will load an updated script every time ~/.bashrc is sourced
echo 'eval "$(beet completion)"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
  1. Dump the script into a file. If you’re worry about loading times, use this option. The cabeat is that you will have to create a new script every time you add a new plugin
beet completion > ~/.beetrc
echo 'source ~/.beetrc' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Be warned that you will have to escape special characters, for example for queries:

# Note the slash in front of the colon
beet list artpath\:

Files and Directories

  • Database: ~/.config/beets/library.db
  • Music Directory: ~/Music
